Lonely Travels: FCIE Trip

Posted on: 23 Jul 2021 21:29:00 PST
Updated on: 16 Jul 2024 21:50:00 PST
Categories: Travels
Tags: lonely travels FCIE First Cavite Industrial Estate Jollibee Greenwich Fast Trash

Travel Date: 2022 Jul 12

I was in FCIE last 12 July; was a bit famished and decided to eat at the Jollibee there. I don’t normally eat in this fast-food chain as I don’t agree with the food (read: it’s trash), but I thought I’ll see if it has improved throughout the years as it seems like every non-Filipino YouTuber loves to fawn over the food.

TL;DR: It didn’t. Still trash; might always be.

My order: Yumburger, fries, and hot coffee.

Yumburger, fries, and hot coffee

Note the brand on the catsup packet. It’s two-faced:

Catsup packet, side 1

Catsup packet, side 2

It’s quite amusing but not surprising, as both Jollibee and Greenwich are part of Jollibee Foods Corporation. As reflected in its Wikipedia page, it has acquired a lot of brands over the years, majority of which became garbage after acquisition. If you are compiling a shortlist of fast food chains to avoid, these should be on your top list.

As you can see below, I spent ₱125.00 on this. Not really bank-breaking, but a waste nonetheless.


This amount would have bought me a buffet in a carinderia, plus I wouldn’t have supported a shitty conglomerate.

In summary:

  • Jollibee is still trash. Don’t be surprised if it will always be. Don’t feed this to the local racoons; it will kill your BSFL and ruin your vermiculture. Jollibee? More like Joylessbee.
  • Eat anywhere else if you value your money. Your local eatery or carinderia will be leagues better.


  • 31 July 2022: Added receipt.
  • 16 Jul 2024:
    • Removed travel date from title; added in post header instead.
    • Fixed formatting



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