Select wordlist:

Word Composition:

Add Numbers

Add Special Characters

Agsao is a passphrase generator I made mainly out of frustration of not being able to use Bitwarden at work.

This website does not log any generated passphrase; feel free to peruse the source code (CTRL+U or F12) to verify for yourself. All processing is done in client-side Javascript. In fact, the only backend request it does is AJAX requests to retrieve the wordlists; again, feel free to verify.

I’ve also made the generator into a library. Feel free to checkout the code

Please note that I am not responsible for any password leaks or account hacks resulting from use of this site. I coded this for fun and not out of malice. Use with caution, your discretion, and common sense.

Why I like passphrases:

  • They are easier to type, especially if you’re familiar with the words or they are part of the language(s) you speak.
  • They can easily fulfill common password requirements (notably length) without requiring too much effort from the user.

Personal opinions regarding passphrases:

  • Use them in tandem with a password manager.
  • Use lots of words.
  • If using a separator, use a character (or characters) that are quite uncommon but not so as to make typing clunky.
  • Do not reuse them across different accounts.
  • Change them regularly. Longer might mean safer, but not uncrackable.
  • Choose a suitably high entropy.
    • On this note, this site uses KeePass’ algorithm to compute password entropy. Since KeePass is originally written in C#, we’ll need a JavaScript version; luckily, someone has done that for us: This is a translation of KeePass v2.x version.

Do note that the opinions here are just that: opinions. Just like financial advice, they do not constitute formal or legal password advice. Use your discretion and common sense.

Additional resources about passwords and passphrases:

What’s with the name?

Agsao [ɐg.sɐ.'o] means to speak in Ilocano. Given the nature of the service, it’s close enough, don’t you think?


  • 04 Dec 2022:
    • Hidden generated passwords
    • Updated max limits to realistic values
    • Added new reference link