Webdev Notes

Posted on: 01 May 2023 00:00:00 PST


  • Common HTML entities:

    Character Code
    < &lt;
    > &gt;
    & &amp;
    { &#123;
    } &#125;
  • mark element

    • Valid use to highlight text search results.
    • Can be stuled via CSS.


JS, jQuery

  • It is NOT possible to wrap an async function to make it synchronous. Once async, it’s async all the way.
  • jQuery.get(url [,data] [,success] [,dataType])
  • Scrolling to top/bottom of divs
    • Top: $('div').animate({scrollTop: 0}, animation_ms);
    • Bottom: $('div').animate({scrollTop: $("div").prop('scrollHeight')}, animation_ms);
    • Apparently animation is required, as scrolling does not work properly without it. Set animation_ms to a low value (say, 10) to make it look instantaneous.
  • If .next() element is the .last() element?: $('elem').next().is($(elem).last());
  • MDN: Key values for keyboard events
  • Case-insensitive replaceAll(): string.replaceAll(new RegExp('pattern', 'ig'), 'replacement_str')
    • To replace with the original pattern (for example, highlighting matching text): string.replaceAll(new RegExp('('+pattern+')', 'ig'), '$1')
      • $N represents matching captured pattern, as with regular regexp usage in other languages.
  • delay()ing
    function delay(callback, ms) { var timer = 0; return function() { var context = this, args = arguments; clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(function () { callback.apply(context, args); }, ms || 0); }; } // Example usage: $('#input').keyup(delay(function (e) { console.log('Time elapsed!', this.value); }, 500));

Jekyll, Liquid


  • Table
    |----------|----------|----------| | Header 1 | Header 2 | Header 3 | |----------|----------|----------| | R1C1 | R1C2 | R1C3 | | R2C1 | R2C2 | R2C3 | |----------|----------|----------|



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