
Posted on: 18 Mar 2023 00:00:00 PST
Tags: quotidian that escalated quickly

Arden's Corner

So I was reading this book, and on page 267 this sentence appears:

We tend to affix mental blinders to ourselves as we make our way thorugh the quotidian world of our daily lives.

I don’t know what “quotidian” means, so to Ecosia I ask. Essentially it means mundane.

But I was surprised by the third definition, so I made a meme. And yes, I’m easily entertained.

Considering the general tone of the book prior to this page, I’m kinda surprised by that sentence. It comes off as a bit of “I’m holier than thou”. I’m not put off, just caught off-guard. Maybe it’s just the poetic phrasing. Definitely I’m reading too much into it.

Get the XCF file here.

The “Well, That Escalated Quickly” meme comes from here. I do not claim ownership over that image.



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