Shiron Snickers

Posted on: 24 Jan 2021 00:00:00 PST
Tags: shuu windragon kanerudo nezuccho waruccho snickers_meme

Arden's Corner

A snickers meme involving our favorite Windragon.

Transcript (RTL, TTB):

  • レジェンウウオーがはじめ!
  • ダメ!
  • 何?!うるさい!
  • ほら、スニッカーズを食べたい。だって、君を腹減った怖いんだ。
  • 良い?
  • 甘いの夢 (Sweet Dreams)

Another cringey collage I made way back on 2013, when I was actively watching Legendz with a friend.

Get the XCF here.

Legendz are copyrighted by Bandai and WiZ (

Since I made this almost a decade ago, I can’t remember anymore where I got the image of Nezuccho and Waruccho. I tried reverse searching via Google, but the results seem dubious. There is a “Fushidane” watermark, but I can’t find a definitive link using that. If someone knows the original artist, please let me know so I can attribute properly.

Also, I’m not a Japanese speaker; I only picked up bits watching anime and listening to JPop. 僕の日本語は上手じゃない。


  • 2022-11-03: Added XCF link.



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